
Welcome to the Family, Dynamic Dungeons!

Greetings all! We’re ecstatic to announce another ongoing, premium map maker partnership; everyone welcome Dynamic Dungeons to the Arkenforge family! Dynamic Dungeons will be providing vivid and richly detailed, animated, pre-made maps, fully integrated with the Masters Toolkit features. You can expect more and more astounding animated maps to become available on the Marketplace as …

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Weekly Update #11

Hello from Arkenforge. With our 11th update we wanted to talk about one of the features of the Masters Toolkit that we are currently implementing. Having constructed a map making tool with the Cartographer and an audio library through the Soundscape in the one Software, we can link the two together in some fun ways. …

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Weekly Update #10

Greetings! March is marching closer and with it the official Beta release of the software. As scary as it sounds to us we are excited to bring the Masters Toolkit to the next level and show you some things we have worked on to get us there. Moving forward we have a couple of previews …

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Weekly Update #9

Hello! Our week #9 update brings us a focus on our hardware as we continue to work on the increased Master’s Toolkit content, getting it all ship shape for our Beta launch in March. Some of us within the last couple of weeks have been acquiring, tinkering and testing the touch screen capabilities of the …

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