Roadmap until the end of June

The last few weeks have been immensely valuable to us. After the Conquest concluded, we knew the next immediate step was to asess your feedback and suggestions and decide how to make the Master’s Toolkit a successful platform.

Today, we are happy to share further details that describe how the Master’s Toolkit will operate for the near future, and our revised roadmap that breaks down what we hope to achieve in the time leading up to the launch of Beta on Supanova-con in Sydney.

These are the finalized upcoming updates for the next two months starting with the Cartographer overhaul :


With the release of 0.2.9, the Cartographer module will be beta-ready. With Cartographer at a place we’re happy with, we’ll be dedicating our 0.3 update series to the Scenario module, giving DMs all the tools they need during their live games.


For questions and discussions, we opened up our new facebook group, the Master’s Toolkit User group here, or check out our forums here!


1 thought on “Roadmap until the end of June”

  1. Each day I load in to work out some new map ideas and I am seeing the many changes. Love all the work your team is doing and I am highly anticipating Dice, Portals, Campaign and most of all World – Region – Town map integration!

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