Weekly Update #15


We’d like to give you all a quick heads up that a sizable update will be coming to the Masters Toolkit by the end of next week.
So fire up those Arkenforge Launchers and get ready for a tasty patch with some new features being added to the Cartographer such as bendy walls and some new tiles. New content will be coming to the Soundscape as well with new music and sound effects to play with!

More specific details and a full list of changes and added content will come with the update.

This obviously wont be the last update we do as we strive to make the Masters Toolkit the best we can make it, so if you have any future request for the software, send us a message.

A reminder too that we are running some events at Conquest Melbourne, Australia this weekend (30th of March until 2nd of April over easter). Get in quick and secure some spots to these events at: https://www.conquest.asn.au/

Hope to see you there!

Feel free to send us any questions or comments or make use of our forum. Weekly map will return next week!

Thanks again!

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