Ruined Railyard GPP


The content pack cannot be used without the Master’s Toolkit Software!

Author: Griffin Peak Productions

License: Strictly Personal use only

Asset details :

PPI: 256 (Pixel per inch). 30×30 grid square isometric map.

A ruined steampunk railyard. A road, railway and canal meet in a walled enclosure. Long abandoned bits of train lie rusting and a barge has sunk in the canal. Some magical lighting remains to illuminate the characters’ way at night.

A brilliant location to defend or to sneak into to steal an artefact.

Day and night maps provided.
Maps are not designed to fit with Arkenforge map tiles; therefore, each day and night map comes with a tiled and untiled version. Just set the tiles to your token size (default square is 5 feet by 5 feet.

(Use tokens from the Griffin Peak Isometric NPC Token Pack One to populate it with undead. Token pack sold separately).

Sold By: Griffin Peak Productions