A Year Of Change, Phase 3 – Audio Changes

Hey folks! Nathan here. It’s a nice and short one today as I’ll walking you through some changes we’ll be making to audio in the Toolkit.

That is – everyone is getting it for free!


Free audio!?

That’s right!

All of our music and sound effects from every Arkenforge content pack is being moved into the Arkencore Pack. That’s over 10,000 audio tracks, now available to every user in one massive 3gb update!

But why free audio?

As we’ve released more and more audio through our major packs, there’s been one particular nightmare that has kept us awake at night.

Playlists, Ambience Presets and SFX Palettes.

Because our audio content has been bundled into packs until now, we can’t easily build these into audio collections that pull from multiple packs. You may have noticed that we have playlists with names like ‘Battle’, and ‘Battle (Wild)’. There’s no ‘Battle (Towns and Cities)’ because we realised that having the same version of the same playlists in each pack is a bit silly.

Dante in particular has been wanting this problem solved for a while. The Arkencore Pack has provided the best opportunity to do so.

This is also part of why we brought down the price of our content packs in Phase 2. It wouldn’t be right to charge the same price for a pack that now had less in it.

More audio in more places

With all of our music and sound effects being in a central location, we can give future packs their own custom playlists and ambiences. These would be curated specifically for the theme of the given pack, and would use the same songs and sound effects that everyone has access to.

This change will also allow users to more easily share their created audio collections without needing to worry about what packs other users have installed. In future, we’d love to see Community Playlists and Community Ambiences sections, as well as Community Maps. With the ability to edit the individual stems of our tracks, I’m personally excited to see what folks come up with!



Phase 3 complete!

Phase three of our Year of Change is now done. The Arkencore patch should be available to you already.

Stick around and watch out for our article on Phase 4!

While you wait, check out the Arkenforge Toolkit at https://arkenforge.com

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