The best digital solution on the market for in-person play
Imagine it as an interactive DM or GM screen, with all the information you need a click or two away.
Our VTT features are:
Native multi-screen screen map controls for both players and GM maps
Lossless/latency-less image on your displays in any resolution
With toolkit built maps, all objects are interactable and movable
DM-s see all the control UI, hidden items and see through fog of war, players only see what you set visible
Dynamic links to any content (notes, maps, soundscapes, playlists, tokens and more)
Map links can be placed to link maps together as your players progress
Fog of war/token positions save into maps so you can pick up the game right where you left it
Location based, map embeddable audio for deep immersion
Time of day slider that adjusts the ambient lighting for your whole map
Line of sight based fog of war erasure
Drag and drop media/tokens/mapping assets onto your maps (Windows only)
Quick import options for any content
Hide objects and tokens from players and reveal them with a single click
Triggerable animations
Every control in the toolkit can be linked to custom shortcuts