We’re Coming to America! PAX Unplugged 2018.

We couldn’t be more excited to visit our Arkenforge family in America and bring the Masters Toolkit to the United States in person!

The folks running the show at PAX Unplugged 2018 very kindly offered us upside down Aussie folk a spot at the convention. Of this we are thankful and look forward to showing off the software to everyone we can. New users brings new content to the Masters Toolkit and a bigger family, so everyone be nice to your new siblings as they come in post PAX Unplugged.

Unfortunately not the whole team will be there but you can bet that Dante and Nathan will be able to answer any if all of your questions about the Masters Toolkit, Arkenforge and the directions we plan to take in the future. So if you have any friends, family and/or upcoming tabletop RPG GM’s, throw them our way at PAX Unplugged 2018, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Convention Center, booth 2759.

We understand this is very last minute for some folks but tickets are still on sale here! But if you cant come, send some friendly folks our way and give some aussie fellas a good American welcome!

Oh, and on an unrelated note, we have begun sorting out a Discord server for users and Arkenforge community members by request. Expect a full update on that soon.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to message us on facebook, twitter, or email us at: info@arkenforge.com

Thanks for the support everyone,
Arkenforge Team

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