Sewer Complete Maps GPP


The content pack cannot be used without the Master’s Toolkit Software!

Author: Griffin Peak Productions

License: Strictly Personal use only

Asset details :

PPI: 256 (Pixel per inch). Three complete steampunk dungeon levels.

The first is a sewer over three levels. It’s your choice as to whether this is flooded or not.
The second is an unflooded pump room complete with the revolutionary two-elemental generator and astral distributors.
The last level is an old temple – again your choice if it is flooded or not.

Of the three levels, two have flooded or unflooded versions.
Maps are not designed to fit with Arkenforge map tiles; therefore, each map comes with a tiled and untiled version. Just set the tiles to your token size (default square is 5 feet by 5 feet.
16 hatches and doors tokens.
A dungeon guide showing where to place the hatches and doors, and how the maps relate to each other.
1 rendered sign as a handout to players.

Sold By: Griffin Peak Productions


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